Tucson Birding
One of the most alluring areas for birding in the United States is Southeastern Arizona. Whether you are hoping to increase your list of birds or simply to marvel at our diversity of plants and animals this is the place to be! Right here in Tucson, northern vegetation extending south at higher elevations ( Such as our Mt. Lemmon) meets southern flora extending north from places as far south as the Sierra Madre in Mexico. Over 400 species of birds visit annually and over 500 have been recorded.
The Tucson Audubon Society is an incredibly active non- profit organization which connects people to their natural environment. Learn about birds, head out on a field trip with others, and get tips and suggestions to help you get started! Founded in 1949, they have engaged people in the conservation of birds and their habitat.
Some of the species spotted at the Blue Agave Bed and Breakfast include:
American Kestrel, Anna and Costa Hummingbird, Curved Bill Thrasher, Cactus Wren (Arizona State Bird!) , Gila Woodpecker, Verdin, Black Throated Sparrow, Gambelʼs Quail, Cooper and Red Tail Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Canyon and Albertʼs Towhee, Great Blue Heron, Pyrrhuloxia, Phainopepla, Greater Roadrunner, and Lesser Nighthawk to name a few…
Birding at Blue Agave Bed and Breakfast:
We are located within walking distance to the famous David Yetman trail head of the Tucson Mountain Park!
We have Finch and Hummingbird feeders on the property! Books on birding: (available on loan by request):
Southern Arizona Nature Almanac an incredible guide By Hanson and Hanson
National Audubon Society
Field Guide to Northern American Birds
Finding Birds in Southeast Arizona : Tucson Audubon Society
Pocket Naturalist Guide t0 “Southwestern Desert Birds”
Pocket Naturalist Guide to “Arizona Birds”
Hummingbirds of the West Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
We are 15 minute from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
“Walk-In Aviary”
Hummingbird Aviary